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โœ๏ธ TS-12 - Author


See if software in test can properly handle author HCparty elements according KMEHR specifications :

<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.11">medication</cd>
<!-- Focus of the test -->
<!-- Informations about the software (Optional) -->
<id S="LOCAL" SL="endusersoftwareinfo" SV="1.0"></id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">software</cd>
<!-- Informations about the hub (Optional) -->
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">1990000728</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">hub</cd>
<!-- Informations about the organization (Optional) -->
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">80000551</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">orghospital</cd>
<name>U.Z. Brussel</name>
<!-- Informations about the professional user that wrote this (Mandatory) -->
<id S="ID-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">11186375004</id>
<id S="INSS" SV="1.0">75041414469</id>
<cd S="CD-HCPARTY" SV="1.0">persphysician</cd>
<!-- Beware that author name could express as <name> or <firstname> / <familyname> element as well -->
<!-- <name>Dr. Mickey Mouse</name> -->

Test casesโ€‹

  • No software information present
  • Basic software information present
  • Full software informations present
  • All information (software, hub, organization, professional user) present


Expected resultsโ€‹

When looking to the patient medication scheme, all these criterias must be fulfilled :

  • The software should not crash for any medication
  • The software must display the professional user name (e.g "Dr. Mickey Mouse") for any medication