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โฐ TS-06 - Frequencies


See if software in test can handle all the authorized CD-PERIODICITY by MS Cookbook :

<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.11">medication</cd>
<!-- The focus on the test -->
<cd S="CD-PERIODICITY" SV="1.0">D</cd>

Test casesโ€‹

In other words, all values of CD-PERIODICITY except these ones prohibited by MS Cookbook :

  • ondemand
  • UE
  • UN
  • UQ
  • US
  • UX


Expected resultsโ€‹

When looking to the patient medication scheme, for each value authorized :

  • The medication must be present at the expected times (for easiness, medication shares the same name as periodicity), as stated in the following table :

Explanations about the table, with an example :

  • D is the name of the medication (in parenthesis, you can find its meaning : "daily")
  • For each, you can find in ISO 8601 format when these medications must be present (16th September 2015, 17th September 2026, ...)