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πŸ’Š TS-01 - Kind of drugs


See if software in test can handle the formats of medication possible in KMEHR :

<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.11">medication</cd>
<!-- The focus on the test -->

Test cases​

  • "compoundprescription" (free text drug)
  • "medicinalproduct" (only defined with intendedcd / intendedname)
  • "medicinalproduct" (defined with intendedcd / intendedname / deliveredcd / deliveredname)
  • "substanceproduct" as a VMPGROUP
  • "substanceproduct" (only defined with intendedcd / intendedname)
  • "substanceproduct" (defined with intendedcd / intendedname / deliveredcd / deliveredname)


Expected results​

When looking to the patient medication scheme :