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๐Ÿšฆ TS-07 - begincondition / endcondition / endmoments


See if software in test can handle begincondition / endcondition / endmoment elements and their usages, as stated in MS Cookbook :

<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.11">medication</cd>
<!-- endmoment -->
<!-- The focus on the test -->
<!-- begincondition -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.11">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-ITEM-MS" SV="1.0">begincondition</cd>
<!-- The focus on the test -->
<text L="nl">Begin condition instructions</text>
<!-- endcondition -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">3</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.4">healthcareelement</cd>
<cd S="CD-ITEM-MS" SV="1.0">endcondition</cd>
<!-- The focus on the test -->
<text L="nl">End condition instructions</text>


Test casesโ€‹

Begin ConditionEnd ConditionEnd Moment
Drug 001falsefalsefalse
Drug 002truefalsefalse
Drug 003falsetruefalse
Drug 004truetruefalse
Drug 005falsefalsetrue
Drug 006truefalsetrue
Drug 007falsetruetrue
Drug 008truetruetrue


Expected resultsโ€‹

For each medication of the test cases :

  • Medication must be present the May 5th, 2022
  • If End Date is specified, display it (e.g. "May 10, 2022")
  • If Begin Condition is specified, display it (e.g. "Begin condition 002")
  • If End Condition is specified, display it (e.g. "End condition 003")