๐ซ TS-08 - Treatment suspensions
See if software in test can handle temporary or definitive suspensions, as stated in MS Cookbook :
<!-- The medication that will be suspended temporary or definitively -->
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">13</id>
<id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0">2</id>
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.11">medication</cd>
<!-- In WG 3/4, definitive suspension will be done by putting endmoment directly on medication -->
<!-- As not in Cookbook yet, a new test will be created to reflect that (to ensure backwards compatibility with old schemes) -->
<!-- Suspension(s) -->
<cd S="CD-TRANSACTION" SV="1.4">treatmentsuspension</cd>
<!-- The reason -->
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.14">transactionreason</cd>
<text L="nl">Temporary suspension</text>
<!-- The medication under suspension -->
<cd S="CD-ITEM" SV="1.4">medication</cd>
<!-- When this suspension start -->
<!-- Only for temporary suspension, a restart date must be specified -->
<!-- Kind of suspension -->
<!-- "suspended" is for temporary suspension -->
<!-- "stopped" is for definitive suspension -->
<cd SV="1.3" S="CD-LIFECYCLE">suspended</cd>
<!-- Reference to the medication that will be suspended -->
<lnk TYPE="isplannedfor" URL="//transaction[id[@S='ID-KMEHR']='13']"/>
Test casesโ
Medications with/without end date under following scenarios :
- Only not-overlapping temporary suspension(s)
- Only overlapping temporary suspension(s)
- One temporary suspension then a definitive suspension
- Overlapping suspensions
Expected resultsโ
When looking to the patient medication scheme, for each scenario as stated in the following table :
- The medication must be present only the expected days
- The software should warn users the last day before suspension (so that patients don't take the medication)
- The suspension date & reason should be displayed (for example in the details of the medication)
- Timeline
- Mermaid code
title Therapeutic Suspension
dateFormat DD-MM-YYYY
axisFormat %d-%m-%Y
%% Simpler to see when events starts
tickInterval 2day
%% 3 temporary suspensions separated by one day each
section "Drug 001 / 014"
Active medication :a1, 01-07-2022, 3d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, a2, 04-07-2022, 2d
Active medication :a3, 06-07-2022, 1d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, a4, 07-07-2022, 2d
Active medication :a5, after a4, 1d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, a6, 10-07-2022, 2d
Active medication :after a6, 31-07-2022
End of Drug 014 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 2 temporary suspensions that describes an extended suspension
section "Drug 002 / 015"
Active medication :b1, 01-07-2022, 3d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, b2, 04-07-2022, 4d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, b3, 08-07-2022, 4d
Active medication :after b3, 31-07-2022
End of Drug 015 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 2 temporary suspensions that overlap fully
section "Drug 003 / 016"
Active medication :c1, 01-07-2022, 3d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, c2, 04-07-2022, 4d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, c3, 04-07-2022, 4d
Active medication :after c3, 31-07-2022
End of Drug 016 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 2 temporary suspensions of same length & overlap (A-1,B+1)
section "Drug 004 / 017"
Active medication :d1, 01-07-2022, 3d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, d2, 04-07-2022, 4d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, d3, 05-07-2022, 4d
Active medication :after d3, 31-07-2022
End of Drug 017 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 2 temporary suspensions where the second is included in the first
section "Drug 005 / 018"
Active medication :e1, 01-07-2022, 3d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, e2, 04-07-2022, 4d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, e3, 06-07-2022, 2d
Active medication :after e3, 31-07-2022
End of Drug 018 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 2 temporary suspensions where the first is included in the second
section "Drug 006 / 019"
Active medication :f1, 01-07-2022, 3d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, f3, 06-07-2022, 2d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, f2, 04-07-2022, 4d
Active medication :after f3, 31-07-2022
End of Drug 019 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 1 temporary suspension and afterwards 1 definitive suspension separated by one day each
section "Drug 007 / 020"
Active medication :g1, 01-07-2022, 1d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, g2, 02-07-2022, 2d
Active medication :g3, after g2, 1d
Definitive suspension :crit, after g3, 31-07-2022
Original end of Drug 020 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 1 temporary suspension and afterwards 1 definitive suspension directly
section "Drug 008 / 021"
Active medication :h1, 01-07-2022, 1d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, h2, 02-07-2022, 1d
Definitive suspension :crit, after h2, 31-07-2022
Original end of Drug 021 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 1 temporary suspension and 1 definitive suspension that starts within the first suspension
section "Drug 009 / 022"
Active medication :i1, 01-07-2022, 1d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, i2, 02-07-2022, 2d
Definitive suspension :crit, 03-07-2022, 31-07-2022
Original end of Drug 022 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 1 temporary suspension and 1 definitive suspension that starts at the same date
section "Drug 010 / 023"
Active medication :j1, 01-07-2022, 1d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, j2, 02-07-2022, 2d
Definitive suspension :crit, 02-07-2022, 31-07-2022
Original end of Drug 023 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 1 temporary suspension and 1 definitive suspension, where the second starts before the first one
section "Drug 011 / 024"
Active medication :01-07-2022, 0d
Temporary suspension :crit, active, 02-07-2022, 2d
Definitive suspension :crit, 01-07-2022, 31-07-2022
Original end of Drug 024 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 2 definitive suspensions where the second starts before the first one
section "Drug 012 / 025"
Active medication :01-07-2022, 1d
Definitive suspension :crit, 05-07-2022, 31-07-2022
Definitive suspension :crit, 02-07-2022, 31-07-2022
Original end of Drug 025 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min
%% 2 definitive suspensions that start at the same time
section "Drug 013 / 026"
Active medication :01-07-2022, 2d
Definitive suspension :crit, 03-07-2022, 31-07-2022
Definitive suspension :crit, 03-07-2022, 31-07-2022
Original end of Drug 026 :milestone, 24-07-2022, 1min